Welcome to Mattole Farms, An Amazing Property Run by Equally Awe-Inspiring Individuals Growing Some of the World's Finest Cannabis Today.
Ever since the first ten plants were tied down under prop. 215 in 1999, we have been dedicated to elevating people's perception of quality cannabis and its benefit to people and the economy through our hard work and expert experience. Sitting at about 600 ft elevation on the back side of the King's Mountain range, Mattole Farms sits on ideal flat land next to the Mattole River in an incredibly well-suited micro-climate for farming cannabis and heirloom varieties of all kinds of crops where the weather never gets too hot or too cold. This ideal location allows us to grow even the most finicky strains with great success.
The Best Top Soil in the Region
Mattole Farms is one of the only cannabis farms using natural soil as its base. Our property is blessed to have some of the best top soil in the region, and we have been carefully cultivating that this very soil for the last 15 years. Unlike most farms who purchase new potting soil every year, our process starts with the earth, and the hard labor of tilling the natural soil, mixing it with organic compost and amendments, as well as custom nutrient blends, which are activated by our compost tea throughout the season. We work closely with soil analysts to add only what is needed to imbue the soil with the key building blocks for prime quality plant growth, crafting a living breathing soil that allows plants to flourish. At the end of each year, we plant cover crops to naturally replenish the soil, the way small farmers have traditionally supplied nutrients to their soil for centuries.

Living Harmoniously With Nature
Our water is sourced from a well on the property, and we have proudly mitigated the majority of water use since the property's former days as a 7 acre alfalfa farm. Visitors to Mattole Farms will instantly notice the bountiful fruit and vegetable gardens grown side by side with our cannabis crops, a display of our commitment to living harmoniously with nature. We grow over an acre of organic produce, making our farm a utopia for those who care deeply about growing their own food, and living a clean and healthy lifestyle. This has helped us attract a unique team of like-minded individuals with expert skill sets in farming cannabis and food.
We Love Cultivating Unique Strains
In addition to our success with classic strains such as Cookies, OG Kush and Sour Diesel, we are focused on cultivating our own library of unique strains, selectively bred for our environment. Crafting these heirloom strains, such as our original Scout Master genetics, is a passion of our team, and an endeavor that will birth many impactful cannabis strains in the coming years.

"You Have to Love What You Do..."
Farm founder Sage, a second generation cannabis farmer, moved to Humboldt County in 1996 after graduating high school in Santa Cruz. Having been introduced to cannabis at a young age, it has been his life's work to introduce his talent and passion to the world, while remaining unwavering in his beliefs. When asked about his place in this evolving industry, his reply echoed his spirit, "I believe you have to love what you do and love the product you produce. I feel incredibly blessed for all the opportunities cannabis has provided, all the places it has taken me, and all the wonderful people I have met that share this passion with me."
Principles of Community and Love
Mikell, a 69 year-old strict vegetarian who has been farming cannabis for 45 years is a core member of the Mattole Farms team, and enjoys sharing his colorful wisdom and unrivaled experience with all who call this farm home. With several other skilled contributors, the strength and knowledge of the Mattole Farms team is one of the reasons why we are so successful, with community and love as base principles for how we live and work. Established as a sustainable farming community for those who want to live off the land, Mattole Farms has attracted a diverse team of talented farmers whose core values and experience are centered in organic farming practices and caring for the land, and is one of the major keys to the success of the farm.

Coming Soon!
An Example of Good Land Stewards
Our goal is to lead the progression in this industry. Through pushing innovative permaculture and sustainability practices, we at Mattole Farms demonstrate that cannabis farmers don't need to destroy their land or create unnecessary waste. We would like to be an example of good land stewards who educate people about cannabis farming and are able to rewrite the bad press that cannabis farming has gotten based on a few bad apples. Mattole Farms would like to prove that cannabis farming can be a positive influence on the local community and the environment. We are parents, spouses, good community members, activists, and land protectors with deep ties to the community who care a lot about the success of the small farmers. We thank you for supporting our farm, and the entire Humboldt's Finest team, and we hope you continue to enjoy the care and love that our team has dedicated to our cannabis.